Pokemon Omega Ruby Cheats For Citra

Omega Ruby is a Pokemon game released in 2014. It was well-liked because it was an emulation. An emulation means that it can be played by inserting some cheat codes. There are various omega ruby codes available that you can use to level up your games.

The emulator you are using is widely important in inserting and activating the code. Many action replay codes are available which include object modifiers, level-up, infinite repels, master balls, max items, etc You can use these codes and level up your games.

How to use these Cheats?

If you want to use Omega ruby codes then you will have to get a Nintendo 3D and insert the codes in it by game shark or action replay.

  • But if you want these codes access pc anywhere.
  • A ROM file and Citra emulator will be needed for this purpose.
  • After you successfully load this file.
  • Go to the cheat folder in the emulator and insert the code digits that you want.

Pokemon Omega Ruby Codes List

Purpose & UsageCodes
[No Softban v1.2]004790B0 E3A04001
[Always Rainbow Pelago Beans v1.2]0044DEC0 E3A0600E
[Infinite Island Scans v1.2]00455678 E2400000

What are the Benefits of using these Codes?

Modifier cheats:

There are certain cheat codes present that will modify your performance by modifying the game defaults. These will play a role in maximizing all HP and AP and refilling all HP and AP.

Evolution codes:

Evolution codes will help your Pokemon game objects evolve quickly. For example, you will get a quick hatch egg, wild shiny Pokemon, and a hundred percent catch rate. With better evolution, you will reach the final levels quickly.

Other cheat code benefits:

Other cheat code benefits include walking on the walls, maximum money, faster runs, instant messages, and 60 FPS. Therefore, allowing such exciting features the omega ruby codes have become every player’s favorite. These codes will help you hit the targets more easily without getting spectators.

Check out Pokemon Ultra Sun Cheats For Citra

Can I get a Pikachu in Omega Ruby?

There is a very exclusive Pikachu present in the Omega Ruby called cosplay Pikachu. Participating in the Pokemon contest for the very first time will help you to get your pioneer Pikachu. It will be a female Pokemon at level 20 and will have a random nature with a lightning rod ability.

Are there any secret Pokemon in Omega Ruby?

There are a few Pokemon by the name of Registeel, Regice, and Regirock in the Omega Ruby. They also go by the name of the legendary trio. You can get them before the main story ends. But you will have to complete a few steps before opening the chambers of these Pokemon. You should also capture a railroad and relevant first.

How can I use cheat codes on Citra?

If you wish to use these cheat codes on your Citra. Close Your Citra already open and reopen it. Now go to your cheats menu if it has the Citra option available. if you want to activate the seeds go to the cheats menu and press If you want to activate the cheats go to the cheats menu and click OK.

What are cheat codes available in Pokemon Ruby?

Yes, some cheat codes are also available for Pokemon Ruby. But they are not provided by Game Freak and Nintendo. However, they are provided by Game Shark which means that you must have a Game Shark attachment before making use of these cheat codes.


What is a mew in Omega Ruby?

There are specific ways to get mew in omega ruby. The foremost has been removed. But this year, Mew was available on a Pokemon event for downloading.

What can be regarded as O power in Omega Ruby?

If you have O-power it will help your Pokemon and you throughout the game. It will help in increasing Pokemon stats. This will help you catch wild Pokemon easily. You can also share these powers with other friends through the player search system.

Why use Citra cheat codes?

It will help in accessing all the necessary cheat codes for getting better gameplay. These omega ruby cheats will help you level up items, modify objects, master balls, and access PCs anywhere. These cheat codes will help you move faster, get maximum money, get updated objects, and higher FPS.

All these amazing features can be accessed once you insert a cheat code in the game. These codes will allow you to get better results without playing hard game battles. Moreover, these codes will boost the performance of objects by increasing their powers. Therefore, if you want to defeat your friends quickly, always try to use these codes.


Gaming enthusiast and lead editor at CheatCommands.cc. I've been into console commands for the last 10 years and love playing the games with them. They make the experience so much better

Ratings and Reviews

Silent Assassin's Whispered Wins

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Cheat codes turned the game into a small party Explosions whatever
