Witcher 3 Item Codes

The greatest video game of all time. Books like Hearts of Stone fared well. There is a use of witcher 3 console commands and witcher 3 item spawn codes to make getting some high-level equipment easier, The crossbow damage of Geralt may increase. It may reshape small figures. It’s up to you to shape the game’s world and His mission may need sex with women.

In-game bookshops set the mood. These may be ancillary. Quality weapons and armor are available. Zones. Geralt can walk or swim. Roach. Geralt may collapse, fearing Roach. Player XP is awarded for mini-missions. Achieve Greatness. Options include boxing and poker. It’s a card game.

Please scroll down if you want Witcher 3 Item Codes

How to use Witcher 3 Item Codes?

Witcher 3 Item Codes

  1. Download the Developer Console Mod on NexusMods.com here. This is a reputable mod and will help you enable the developer console.
  2. Place the “bin” and “content” folders in the Witcher 3 game directory after unzipping the file. 3. Launch the game.
  3. Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\bin
  4. Steam\steamapps\common\The Witcher 3\content for witcher 3 item codes steam
  5. Open The Witcher 3 and load a previous save.
  6. The developer console window may be opened by pressing tilde [] or F4.

Witcher 3 Item Codes List

Name Codes
Dye Default additem(‘Dye Default’)
Dye Black additem(‘Dye Black’)
Dye Blue additem(‘Dye Blue’)
Dye Brown additem(‘Dye Brown’)
Dye Gray additem(‘Dye Gray’)
Dye Green additem(‘Dye Green’)
Dye Orange additem(‘Dye Orange’)
Dye Pink additem(‘Dye Pink’)
Dye Purple additem(‘Dye Purple’)
Dye Red additem(‘Dye Red’)
Dye Turquoise additem(‘Dye Turquoise’)
Dye White additem(‘Dye White’)
Dye Yellow additem(‘Dye Yellow’)
Beast Oil 1 additem(‘Beast Oil 1’)
Beast Oil 2 additem(‘Beast Oil 2’)
Beast Oil 3 additem(‘Beast Oil 3’)
Cursed Oil 1 additem(‘Cursed Oil 1’)
Cursed Oil 2 additem(‘Cursed Oil 2’)
Hanged Man Venom 2 additem(‘Hanged Man Venom 2’)
Hanged Man Venom 3 additem(‘Hanged Man Venom 3’)
Hybrid Oil 1 additem(‘Hybrid Oil 1’)
Hybrid Oil 2 additem(‘Hybrid Oil 2’)
Insectoid Oil 1 additem(‘Insectoid Oil 1’)
Insectoid Oil 2 additem(‘Insectoid Oil 2’)
Insectoid Oil 3 additem(‘Insectoid Oil 3’)
Magicals Oil 2 additem(‘Magicals Oil 2’)
Magicals Oil 3 additem(‘Magicals Oil 3’)
Necrophage Oil 1 additem(‘Necrophage Oil 1’)
Rune stribog lesser additem(‘Rune stribog lesser’)
Rune stribog additem(‘Rune stribog’)
Rune stribog greater additem(‘Rune stribog greater’)
Rune dazhbog lesser additem(‘Rune dazhbog lesser’)
Rune devana lesser additem(‘Rune devana lesser’)
Rune devana additem(‘Rune devana’)
Rune devana greater additem(‘Rune devana greater’)
Rune zoria lesser additem(‘Rune zoria lesser’)
Rune zoria additem(‘Rune zoria’)
Rune zoria greater additem(‘Rune zoria greater’)
Rune morana additem(‘Rune morana’)
Rune morana greater additem(‘Rune morana greater’)
Rune triglav additem(‘Rune triglav’)
Rune veles lesser additem(‘Rune veles lesser’)
Rune veles additem(‘Rune veles’)
Rune veles greater additem(‘Rune veles greater’)
Rune perun lesser additem(‘Rune perun lesser’)
Rune perun additem(‘Rune perun’)
Rune perun greater additem(‘Rune perun greater’)
Rune elemental lesser additem(‘Rune elemental lesser’)
Rune elemental additem(‘Rune elemental’)
Rune elemental greater additem(‘Rune elemental greater’)

Witcher 3 Cheats & Commands Benefits

Advantages Disadvantages
✅It is possible for a novice to compete against an experienced player. ❌Bugs and glitches
✅Techniques for playing the game have been simplified. ❌Reward function in-game disabled
✅Assist with game progress ❌Games can be made too easy

Players may enable God Style, summon creatures, swap between avatars, and more with the Witcher 3 console commands and ha(ks for PC. Modders have uncovered a hidden “Command Console” where gamers may insert ha(kers. Many new cheats are now available. The combat system cheat codes provide players an advantage over the other team’s stronger warriors.

However, you may change the visual range with Witcher 3 console commands to suit your preferences without any advantage. Because all changes are reversible, they may be made at any time without harming the game’s progress.

Wind, rain, and time travel are all part of Witcher 3’s gorgeous atmosphere. We should honor the designers of the third Witcher’s visual design. Colorful aesthetics and real-time weather effects make this game one of the first.

Check Out Witcher 3 Debug Console

DLC effect

There’s a lot of power in the developer command terminal in The Witcher 3 and Blood and Wine. Iitem codes blood and wine are different. Every item in the Toussaint area has a linked item ID, making it possible for the correct PC user to spawn anything from the zone directly into Geralt’s storage.

The DLC adds 30 new weapons and more than 100 new pieces of armor, as well as colors and schematics. The purpose of this project is to aggregate all of the Blood and Wine item IDs into one convenient list. Here you’ll find all the information you need, including a step-by-step introduction to utilizing console commands.

Witcher 3 game summary

These are witcher 3-item codes for armor weapons and other cool stuff that the game has to offer. Make sure that you enter these codes correctly or you will suffer through the issue of witcher 3 item codes not working. Remember that, despite the fact that some may regard console commands to be cheating, they are there for the express purpose of providing entertainment – just as they are in the games for which they were originally developed.

The player may create a custom picture by recording simple instructions. A vast range of opponents is encountered in The Witcher 3, requiring players to develop their characters, skills, and weaponry. You’ll need to spend over a dozen hours gathering everything you’ll need on your own. Diet and nutrition cheats in Witcher 3 provide food advantages without the need to get the meal.

However, alcohol is employed as a form of elixir in the game, giving the hero a number of perks and boosts that endure for the length of the game. To speak with an NPC or fight an opponent, you must go to a certain spot on the map. Quick spawn teams are the solution.

The spawn code (‘name’, number’) must be supplied for any animal, monster, or person to arrive near Geralt in the right quantity. Also, remember that codes only work if the appropriate character combination is provided. In this case, the name appears in single quotes, and the number is not preceded by a space.

Players loved the imaginary card game Gwent in The Witcher, so CD Projekt created an online version of Hearthstone and a Thronebreaker based on it. To get to Gwent, you must accomplish side quests and an epic tournament.

Use the console instructions below to quickly acquire the most desired cards. If you don’t want to ha(k the console or can’t find a suitable function in the ha(ks list, there are other options like trainers. These programs, which run alongside the game on the hard drive, allow players to designate crucial duties to certain keys.

Try Witcher 3 Console Commands

How to use Witcher 3’s Console! | Advanced Walkthrough


Gaming enthusiast and lead editor at CheatCommands.cc. I've been into console commands for the last 10 years and love playing the games with them. They make the experience so much better

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