The Forest Item Ids

When it comes to survival games, the special forest, which was first launched in 2014, is widely recognized as a classic. However, after playing the game for a long time, several aspects of it can get boring. You can use over 110 the forest console commands in the game to give the human ideas extra energy and gain access to capabilities that aren’t provided by design. The ability to enable and disable God settings, as well as become hidden and seed components into the game.

Here you’ll find a comprehensive list of almost all Of the Specific the forest stick item id guidelines, as well as readily copy-protected pairing, commands so you can use the development interface to incorporate them into your gameplay. The forest cheats especially The forest bone ids are unique. Item IDs in the forest log id Woodland’s Blog Use the inquiry window below to quickly explore our collection of 230 item codes by entering the item’s name or programming language.

Please scroll down if you want The Forest Item Ids commands

How to use The Forest Item Ids commands?

You will need to enable the debug console before being able to use these commands. You can do this by changing a setting in your game files, or by installing a DLC.

  1. As a result, the most important and challenging step is contacting the systems. The current issue comes from the fact not everybody knows how to properly contact the console and what can be done:
  2. After launching the game, simply type “developer mode on” on the KEYPAD and click Enter, then press F1 to bring up the console in the top left corner. Once more, to activate “developer mode on,” just write upon that keypad Inside The SPECIFIC BLIND.

Item Ids List

Name Codes
additem additem [item id]
spawnanimal spawnanimal [animal name]
goto goto [location name / x y z]
PlaceBuiltObjects placebuiltobjects [object id] [amount]
buildermode buildermode [on / off]
cavelight cavelight [on / off]
faststart faststart [on / off]
godmode godmode [on / off]
buildha(k buildha(k [on / off]
cancelallghosts cancelallghosts
buildallghosts buildallghosts
addallitems addallitems
addallstoryitems addallstoryitems
itemha(k itemha(k [on / off]
survival survival [on / off]
save save
speedyrun speedyrun [on / off]
invisible invisible [on / off]
killallenemies killallenemies
enemies enemies [on / off]
terrainrender terrainrender [on / off]
lightingtimeofdayoverride lightingtimeofdayoverride [off / lighting name]
forcerain forcerain [weather name]
cutdowntrees cutdowntrees [amount / %]
cutgrass cutgrass [radius]
deviceDebugInformation devicedebuginformation [on / off]
toggleCullingGrid togglecullinggrid [on / off / toggle]
help help
clear clear
showgamestats showgamestats
achievementloglevel achievementloglevel [log level]
pmactivestatelabels pmactivestatelabels [on / off]
setdifficultymode setdifficultymode [difficulty]
setgamemode setgamemode [game mode]
veganmode veganmode [on / off]
ironforest ironforest
meatmode meatmode
rawmeatmode rawmeatmode
regrowmode regrowmode
veganmode veganmode
vegetarianmode vegetarianmode
woodpaste woodpaste
checkday checkday
advanceday advanceday
setcurrentday setcurrentday [day number]
timescale timescale [multiplier]
gametimescale gametimescale [multiplier]
plantallgardens plantallgardens
growalldirtpiles growalldirtpiles
unlimitedHairspray unlimitedhairspray [on / off]
energyha(k energyha(k [on / off]
killlocalplayer killlocalplayer
killmefast killmefast
revivelocalplayer revivelocalplayer
fakehitplayer fakehitplayer
setvariationextra setvariationextra [none / jacket]
decaynextmeat decaynextmeat
poison poison
hitlocalplayer hitlocalplayer [amount]
setstat setstat [stat name] [value]
setSkill setskill [skill name] [value]
stewcomboverbose stewcomboverbose [on / off]
addClothingById addclothingbyid [clothing id]
killallanimals killallanimals
killclosestanimal killclosestanimal
animals animals [on / off]
birds birds [on / off]
spawnitem spawnitem [item id]
removeitem removeitem [item id]
spawnanimalquiet spawnanimalquiet
resetallenemies resetallenemies
knockdownclosestenemy knockdownclosestenemy
killclosestenemy killclosestenemy
killendboss killendboss
astar astar [on / off]
spawnregularfamily spawnregularfamily
spawnpaintedfamily spawnpaintedfamily
spawnskinnedfamily spawnskinnedfamily
spawnskinnyfamily spawnskinnyfamily
spawnmutant spawnmutant [mutant id]
spawnallpickups spawnallpickups
logha(k logha(k [on / off]
userigidbodyrotation userigidbodyrotation [on / off]
togglevsync togglevsync
gccollect gccollect
lodmanagerscaling lodmanagerscaling
toggleocclusionculling toggleocclusionculling
togglesheenbillboards togglesheenbillboards [on / off]
filteraudio filteraudio
dumplobbyinfo dumplobbyinfo
physics30fps physics30fps [on / off]
loadlevel loadlevel [save number]
placeallghosts placeallghosts
setplayervariation setplayervariation [0 / 1]
setplayertshirtmat setplayertshirtmat [material id]
addmemory addmemory
playernetanimator playernetanimator
showworldposfor showworldposfor [object id]
hideworldposfor hideworldposfor [object id]
findpassenger findpassenger [passenger id]
gototag gototag [tag]
gotoenemy gotoenemy
toggleplayerstats toggleplayerstats
toggleoverlay toggleoverlay
setdrawdistance setdrawdistance [setting #]
setshadowlevel setshadowlevel [setting #]
clearsaveslot clearsaveslot [mp / sp] [slot #]
clearallsettings clearallsettings
resetstatsandachievements resetstatsandachievements

Cheats & Commands Benefits

There are no property enables arrows that may be obtained deep in tunnels or in yellow containers in today’s world. The boxes are comparable in appearance to the containers in which flares are placed. If you select a pre-v0. 71 save file and certain conditions have been opened, the gameplay will exchange the already launched glitter boxes with unopened contemporary arrow boxes, presuming the condition does not remain a flare scenario.

There are several modern arrows at the current Bow site; one is in a yellow container, and others are on a carton just next to the current Bow. The developers mentioned in the latest update that the forest modern arrow item id arrows work best with Modern Bow just at the time it was released.

This is likely because the overall statistics of the modern ribbons and bow, as well as the modern gazelle, now deliver the greatest harm per bow possibility imaginable (excluding poison/fire upgrade arrows).

The specific Forest on Vapor (PC/Mac) has a feature called Stay that is a part of the Materials group. Stay has the following product code: 57 Identical Item Code Commands to Stay the forest spawn ids Stick can be spawned in your game using the developer system. Please put our console aside.

furthermore, you can use the games console to enter a variety of item regulations, clothing the forest item id codes, as well as other building rules. Without the use of mods, console commands automatically update, add, and remove items in games online. Many gamers prefer to such individuals are the forest all items cheat.

Check out Papers Please Cheat Sheet 


Find a comprehensive forest item code list of all 47 Weapon the forest cheats item id regulations from the newest edition of The Specific Forest on Vapor (PC / Mac) here. The forest weapons ids use to do harm to an enemy these items are used against gamers’ enemies and they contain among other things also as swords, firearms, spears, and bombs.

How to Use Goto Command

Press F2 and check at the upper of the display to find your personal values. A user must see much statistical data, but x, y, and z coordinates should be visible close its the side of the display. This command allows you to use the game player’s current location to transfer to that location right away. While specific sites have unique names (e.g., sinkhole), it is preferable to go using By, Y, and Unces numbers.

The coordinates for each cave and landmark in the game are listed here.

Location Name: X / Y / Z

The Forest Item Ids

Load Level Commands

These commands are fairly sophisticated and should not be used if you are fresh to console commands.

Confirmation is required.

Depending on how a casino game is fully packaged and resources already are accessible, these forms of operating differentially. Most perspectives would only display the rock from the main menu’s backdrop when loading from the main menu. However, the camera will only display the “menu cave”.

Most of the forest item lists id appear to load closer to the item that was likely designed while loading from within a bit / whilst also playing regularly. As a result, You can put the forest rebreather id on an armor stand the next guidelines mention loading from within a completed game. It is also able to obtain the award this way. By starting the post-game scenario, you’ll be able to escape The Particular Forest.

It’s worth noting that several of these stages may require materials to be loaded before they can begin. For example, using the keycard to open the conclusion game entrance and get entry to the remaining conclusion gameplay zone.

Forest Item Ids

Ultimate Cheat / Console Command Guide | The Forest 2018 v1.08


Gaming enthusiast and lead editor at I've been into console commands for the last 10 years and love playing the games with them. They make the experience so much better

Ratings and Reviews

Pixel Wonderland Unveiled

Rated 3.0 out of 5

Experimented with cheats games a bit smoother More chances to explore


Pixel Maestro's Triumph

Rated 3.0 out of 5

Codes unfold a bit of a new dimension Boss battles are manageable

Zoe Frostwhisper

No Challenge Too Big

Rated 5.0 out of 5

Unleashed cheats no challenge too big Im a gaming hero
